Your messages
Your support is backing Australian men and families battling prostate cancer and funding new research to beat the disease.

2 Laps
Denis x 2 Laps

1 Lap
Will x 1 Lap

1 Lap
Scott x 1 Lap

2 Laps
June x 2 Laps
Drive to conquer prostate cancer.

1 Lap
Jeanne x 1 Lap
Keep up the fantastic work

1 Lap
Lou x 1 Lap

1 Lap
Keith x 1 Lap

4 Laps
Maureen x 4 Laps

2 Laps
Michael x 2 Laps

1 Lap
Diane x 1 Lap
Great idea

1 Lap
Mick x 1 Lap
Let Rip Craig cheers Mick

2 Laps
Denis x 2 Laps
Craig, remember meeting you as a kid in 1985 when I stayed at your place to go with Dad to the first Gp A at winton. Also remember your 1st 12 hour with the Morris Bros. hmmmmm to that

1 Lap
Jeanette x 1 Lap

2 Laps
Peter x 2 Laps
Joined the battle. Early diagnosis is the key gents. Don’t ignore the signs. 🤟🤟

4 Laps
Albert x 4 Laps

2 Laps
Nerrell x 2 Laps

1 Lap
Joanna x 1 Lap
My husband has come a long way since diagnosis!

1 Lap
Pete x 1 Lap
I want to do the lap on a motorcycle!

1 Lap
Amanda x 1 Lap
This is for my Dad Gordon. Keep fighting we love you. Xx

1 Lap
Wayne x 1 Lap

1 Lap
David x 1 Lap
Thanks for acknowledging how important this cancer is to men

2 Laps
M x 2 Laps
For all my male friends who have passed or battling with the different types of prostate cancer we hope that one day there will be a cure

1 Lap
Simon x 1 Lap
Kick ass for a fantastic cause legends

1 Lap
Ray x 1 Lap
Go get 'em lads!!

1 Lap
Sharee x 1 Lap
Your virtual laps are accelerating survival for Australian men
We have 110 PCFA Prostate
Cancer Nurses nationally
We’ve invested over
$70m in research
We support 2 in 3 newly diagnosed men nationally