Your messages
Your support is backing Australian men and families battling prostate cancer and funding new research to beat the disease.

2 Laps
Lina x 2 Laps

2 Laps
Roy x 2 Laps

2 Laps
Bruce x 2 Laps

2 Laps
Ian x 2 Laps
Wish you success

2 Laps
Jason x 2 Laps
A simple blood test may save your life. Get your mates to take a PSA test

1 Lap
Kim x 1 Lap
For my dad and my husband

1 Lap
Susan x 1 Lap

1 Lap
Michael & Edie x 1 Lap
Good Luck with raising funds for this important cause

2 Laps
Carol x 2 Laps
A great cause. Hope the day goes well

1 Lap
Michael x 1 Lap
Well done team.

40 Laps
Ross x 40 Laps

1 Lap
Graeme x 1 Lap
14 months post surgery, doing ok.

1 Lap
Chris x 1 Lap

1 Lap
Andrew x 1 Lap

2 Laps
Katherine x 2 Laps
For my Dad xx

1 Lap
Gail x 1 Lap
Well done Craig what an amazing cause Love Gail

4 Laps
Bruce x 4 Laps

2 Laps
Gary x 2 Laps
I have had postrate cancer now for 12 years with treaments on going I'm an avicate for the Lakes Entrance Postrate cancer suport group and going through chemotherapy as my postrate cancer is now in serveral bones. I wish you well in your endeavour to get the message out there to get tested. Thank you Craig.

4 Laps
Ian x 4 Laps
I’m 18 months post surgery and struggling still. Great support from pcfa. Thank you

1 Lap
Shaun x 1 Lap
I am in Remission for Stage 2 Prostate Cancer and every lap sponsored will help those who come after me.

2 Laps
Fred x 2 Laps

2 Laps
Janet x 2 Laps

4 Laps
Ed x 4 Laps
Happy to support

2 Laps
Jeff x 2 Laps
Happy to support this great cause.

1 Lap
Alison x 1 Lap
In support of my brother, who is currently having treatment for Prostate cancer.
Your virtual laps are accelerating survival for Australian men
We have 110 PCFA Prostate
Cancer Nurses nationally
We’ve invested over
$70m in research
We support 2 in 3 newly diagnosed men nationally
Great Cause