Your messages
Your support is backing Australian men and families battling prostate cancer and funding new research to beat the disease.

2 Laps
Ron x 2 Laps

1 Lap
Tom x 1 Lap

1 Lap
Colin x 1 Lap
Go Lowndesy!

1 Lap
Wayne x 1 Lap

2 Laps
Carol x 2 Laps
One Lap for my Friend Stephen who was Diagnosed with Prostate Cancer last August. The other Lap for all other Men who has Survived or going through Prostate Cancer.

1 Lap
Stephen x 1 Lap

2 Laps
Jill x 2 Laps

1 Lap
Ken x 1 Lap
I have my surgery in a weeks time. And I have followed Lowndsey for years. Nice to know he’s following me.

1 Lap
Cathy x 1 Lap
Encourage and remind your male friends to have blood tests.

2 Laps
Tonia x 2 Laps
Happy to donate for more research 😁

1 Lap
Valma x 1 Lap
Give it your all

4 Laps
Linley x 4 Laps
Keep up the good work

4 Laps
David x 4 Laps

1 Lap
Elaine x 1 Lap
Good luck everybody.

4 Laps
Clare x 4 Laps
In loving memory of my beautiful brother-in-law Bruce, who fought the good fight.🐞🐞🐞🐞

2 Laps
Mikey x 2 Laps
My Father George Howes passed away in 2006 of this disease and I ride in the Distinguished Gentlemans Ride every year in memory and support. Treatment options are improving with all the funds raised.

2 Laps
Trudy x 2 Laps
Donating as our son has had this terrible disease!!!

2 Laps
Andrew x 2 Laps
thank you for your great work!

1 Lap
Rod x 1 Lap

4 Laps
Julie x 4 Laps
My husband is living with prostate cancer & it’s not an easy journey, this is a wonderful way to raise funds for this cancer .

2 Laps
Stuart x 2 Laps

2 Laps
Andrew x 2 Laps

1 Lap
John x 1 Lap

2 Laps
Jennie x 2 Laps

2 Laps
John x 2 Laps
Get a PSA test regularly if you are over 50 or over 40 with a family history of prostate cancer. Early detection saves lives.
Your virtual laps are accelerating survival for Australian men
We have 110 PCFA Prostate
Cancer Nurses nationally
We’ve invested over
$70m in research
We support 2 in 3 newly diagnosed men nationally