Your messages
Your support is backing Australian men and families battling prostate cancer and funding new research to beat the disease.

1 Lap
David x 1 Lap

1 Lap
Kerri x 1 Lap

1 Lap
Scott x 1 Lap

1 Lap
Eric x 1 Lap
Glad that I can do my little bit to help raise awareness and also to help those touched by cancer!!

1 Lap
Kerrie x 1 Lap
In memory of my dad ❤️

2 Laps
Helen x 2 Laps
Good luck to everyone fighting the fight.

1 Lap
Bill x 1 Lap

2 Laps
Allison x 2 Laps
Great idea!

1 Lap
Darren x 1 Lap
Well done mate, I’ll promote this too.

2 Laps
Peter x 2 Laps
Having had prostate cancer twice, both times detected early courtesy of PSA testing, I want to help you get that message out there. Literally life & death guys - get that annual PSA test!

2 Laps
Jillene x 2 Laps
In memory of Dad.

2 Laps
Rene x 2 Laps
This is for my husband fighting the fight against this silent Cancer. We can't let it win.

1 Lap
Lisa x 1 Lap
Happy birthday Uncle Chris - we’ve purchased a virtual lap in your honour, for a great cause indeed! Love Lisa, Andrew, Bodhi, Flynn, Indie, Darcy and Remy :-)

1 Lap
Steve x 1 Lap
Get it sorted mate. Long time left to enjoy.

4 Laps
Peter x 4 Laps

1 Lap
Lesley x 1 Lap
Love you supporting all the way Love from Mum

1 Lap
Lilian x 1 Lap

2 Laps
Rod x 2 Laps
Let's fight the fight.

3 Laps
Ann x 3 Laps
For Don, David and Andrew

3 Laps
Michelle x 3 Laps

2 Laps
Mary x 2 Laps
Well done to everyone involved and good luck to all affected by this disease. 2 Laps please 🙋♀️🙏🇦🇺

1 Lap
John x 1 Lap
From Nepean/Blue Mountains Support group

1 Lap
Andrew x 1 Lap

2 Laps
Peter x 2 Laps

1 Lap
Natasha x 1 Lap
Your virtual laps are accelerating survival for Australian men
We have 110 PCFA Prostate
Cancer Nurses nationally
We’ve invested over
$70m in research
We support 2 in 3 newly diagnosed men nationally
Thinking of everyone going through worrying times, good luck to everyone.