Your messages
Your support is backing Australian men and families battling prostate cancer and funding new research to beat the disease.

2 Laps
Geoff x 2 Laps

2 Laps
Ann x 2 Laps

2 Laps
Helen x 2 Laps

2 Laps
Steve x 2 Laps
For all those touched by Prostate Cancer. Such a fabulous way to support this very worthy cause. Dad, Uncle’s, Friends, Myself. Get a simple PSA test might just save your life.

1 Lap
Michael x 1 Lap

4 Laps
I & C x 4 Laps

1 Lap
Deborah x 1 Lap
For Gabe x

1 Lap
Louise x 1 Lap
F*ck Prostate Cancer

4 Laps
Craig x 4 Laps
Found it my case early from PSA tests, all good now. 64 and going strong.

1 Lap
Colin x 1 Lap

1 Lap
Maryanne x 1 Lap

4 Laps
Alan x 4 Laps

2 Laps
Stephen x 2 Laps

2 Laps
Andy x 2 Laps
Great cause. Go get em boys 👍😎

2 Laps
Grant x 2 Laps

2 Laps
Heather x 2 Laps

1 Lap
Peter x 1 Lap
Recently diagnosed myself and my dad and father in law both died with prostate cancer.

1 Lap
Maria x 1 Lap
Good luck boys from the zigger family

1 Lap
Bill x 1 Lap

4 Laps
Matt x 4 Laps

5 Laps
Steven x 5 Laps
I Was diagnosed last October and am still fighting for pole position. Having a great backup team, Genesis Cancer Care behind me. We're going to win this race.

2 Laps
Pam x 2 Laps

1 Lap
Veronica x 1 Lap

1 Lap
Anthony J x 1 Lap

1 Lap
Leanne x 1 Lap
Your virtual laps are accelerating survival for Australian men
We have 110 PCFA Prostate
Cancer Nurses nationally
We’ve invested over
$70m in research
We support 2 in 3 newly diagnosed men nationally