In tribute to Mario Rupnik

By Angelle Novella

In honour of Mario Rupnik - raising funds for prostate cancer awareness

In honor of our beloved dad, Mario Rupnik, who faced prostate cancer with incredible strength and resilience, we are establishing a donation fund for those who wish to contribute in lieu of sending flowers.

Diagnosed with prostate cancer and metastatic disease six years ago, Dad defied the odds and lived an additional six remarkable years. His journey was marked by a blend of conventional and natural treatments, and he continued to embrace life on his own terms, inspiring everyone around him with his courage and positivity.

To celebrate his legacy and support future generations in their fight against cancer, we are directing donations to fund trials and research dedicated to advancing treatment and finding a cure. Your contribution will help make a difference in the lives of others facing similar challenges.

Please know that while your support is deeply appreciated, there is no obligation to donate. Your presence and kind words mean just as much to us during this time.

Thank you for your generosity and for honoring Mario’s memory in such a meaningful way.

Kind Regards,
Kathy, Angelle, Laura and Family

Thank you to my Sponsors


Sylvia & Andrew Zammit


Gracie & Joe Zammit



Our deepest condolences to Vicky & family. While Mario will be very much missed by you all, you’re so fortunate to have so many wonderful memories together.


Alison And Jeffrey Gauci

I’m so sorry for your loss. Sending you all our strength and love xxx