Ferg le Juge de Segrais

Challenge Champion

My Activity Tracking


My target 700 kms

I’m conquering a new challenge that can save lives.

Every day, 49 Aussie men are diagnosed with prostate cancer. That’s why I’ve decided to become an agent of change by joining the PCFA-Team.

I’ll be taking on a new challenge, conquering the unknown and raising funds to support men and their families impacted by a prostate cancer diagnosis. From game-changing research to specialised mental and physical care, there is so much more we can, and must, do to save the lives of the men we love.Β 

Please support the team that can save lives by making a tax-deductible donation to my campaign in support of the Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia.

My Achievements

Quick Start
Uploaded profile pic

Spread the Love
Shared my page

Self Starter
Donated to my page

Team Player
Created a team

50% to your fundraising goal

100% to your fundraising goal

Starting Line
Logged first fitness session

Warming Up
50% to your fitness goal

100% to your fitness goal

All Star
Raised $1,000

My Updates

Gibb River Road Solo Bike Ride

Sunday 4th Jun
My wife & I left our home in Guilderton WA late January 2023 to travel to Mataranka NT which allowed me to train in the heat & humidity of the Top End in preparation for my Solo Bike Ride of the Gibb River Road in WA’s Kimberley planned for May.
We spent 10 weeks in Mataranka & I trained most days chalking up a lot of kilometres…844 in April alone!
We met many wonderful people in Mataranka & we were quite sad to leave however we were committed to doing this ride so drove the 600 or so kilometres to Kununurra where we bought supplies before starting the Gibb.

We arrived at the start of the Gibb just out of Kununurra late morning & with much trepidation Chris climbed behind the wheel of our LandCruiser to tow our Explorex caravan behind me to warn traffic coming from the rear a cyclist was ahead. Despite her reluctance, Chris did an amazing job driving the whole 700km without incident!

We made camp the first night adjacent to the majestic Cockburn Range before riding to the Pentecost River the following day. We had planned to stay at Home Valley Station which had planned to open on May 1st however because the river was still running & causing chaos for the occasional unsuspecting vehicle (including us as we had to winch out after the van dropped into a large hole acting as an anchor!), freight companies refused to cross leaving HVS without supplies so they decided not to open the station till May 15th. So we crossed back over the river & camped along the bank for a delightful fortnight.

On May 17 we continued on with the bike ride & spent 4 nights at Ellenbrae Station.Β 
Station managers Larissa & Logan along with their family & staff put on a sausage sizzle evening with all proceeds going to PCFA. During this lovely evening I spoke to the gathering about my prostate cancer journey & reasons for cycling the Gibb River Road at almost 65 years of age. The chat went extremely well & many of the people came to us afterwards & spoke about their experiences or expressed their dismay at how lax the WA health system is compared with the larger population states in the east of the country.

Most days I rode around 30km in the morning & 35km in the afternoon which was more than I expected to be doing but I was coping well & even did 73km on my penultimate day. The only real discomfort was a sore bottom….those corrugations😩

Last Wednesday we rolled into Birdwood Downs Station near the Derby end of the Gibb & were welcomed warmly by Station managers Leanne & Craig. On Friday at midday I attended the local radio station for a chat which we thought was to be recorded then played on air but as it turned out the interview was LIVE! I managed to tell my story & answer Bradley the announcer’s questions hopefully in a coherent manner!Β 
That evening Birdwood Downs hosted a β€œBirdwood Banga” night with part proceeds being kindly donated to PCFA. While the Bangas were on the BBQ I spoke with the gathering around a large communal fire once again about my prostate cancer experience & why I did the Gibb River Ride.
I must sincerely thank both stations & their staff for their support & help with my charity ride which was invaluable in our efforts to raise awareness about PC & men’s health in general.

So what’s the plan from here?
I’m due a PSA blood test which I will have on Tuesday & the results will determine whether we head north to visit friends in Darwin or head south to home if treatment is necessary. Obviously we are hoping for a positive result so we can continue our travels around this country. While I probably won’t do any more charity bike ride challenges we will definitely continue to speak with people about Prostate Cancer & why regular PSA tests are so important😎

Arrived at Mataranka NT

Sunday 5th Mar
After 8.5 days of driving we’ve made it to our destination of Mataranka where I’ll be training for my Gibb River Road charity bike ride.
From home in Guilderton to Port Augusta then north to Mataranka is about 5200km, quite a drive. The last couple of days we encountered water over the road & plenty of damage to the bitumen!

Left Home To Train at Mataranka for my Solo Gibb River Road Ride

Tuesday 28th Feb
My wife Chris, our 14 year old Blue Heeler Dusty & I left for Mataranka NT the long way via Port Augusta SA last Saturday. Due to the damage to Fitzroy Crossing bridge & Kimberley roads. We’re currently 300km west of Port Augusta & when we get there tomorrow morning we’ll head north up the Stuart Highway towards Mataranka.
So far the trip has been uneventful apart from the price of diesel at Nullarbor Roadhouse!
Might have to take out a mortgageπŸ˜œπŸ˜‚

PSA Test Results Post Radiation

Wednesday 23rd Nov
Great news this week that my blood test results are in, the first since radiation treatment.
PSA is down to 0.01 & Testosterone 0.1Β 
This is good news as it looks like treatment is keeping the cancer in check so I’ll be doing the Solo Gibb River Challenge early in May 2023!
Hopefully we will meet fellow travellers & raise awareness of prostate cancer & hopefully some funds for PCFA.

3 Weeks Post Radiation Treatment

Tuesday 13th Sep
It’s now just over 3 weeks since my final radiation treatment & I feel like I am almost back to normal. Nightly trips to the loo have decreased significantly meaning more & better sleep.
We hooked up the caravan a fortnight ago & headed to Billiburning Rock campground about 40km north of Beacon for some much needed peace & quiet. At the moment the wildflowers are looking at their best & the bird life is plentiful.
There’s nothing like being gently awoken from bird song on a lovely sunny morning out bush!
Good for the sole & mind following a pretty tough 9 months.
Still doing lots of long walks & bike rides. A couple of days ago we rode along Emu Proof Fence road & had kangaroos jumping out from the bush right in front of us almost like they were playing a game!

That’s A Wrap!

Monday 22nd Aug
This morning I had my 33rd & final radiation treatment & the feeling immediately after was of euphoric relief! It’s been a huge commitment and now hopefully it will stop the cancer in its tracks as we have a lot of living to do!

Penultimate Radiation Treatment Update

Friday 19th Aug
Today is a very good day as it was my second last radiation treatment (32/33) & after next Monday morning my time will be mine & ours!😜
I’ve mentioned previously that having Crohns Disease, radiation treatment can cause unwanted bowel problems but it hasn’t been what I would call β€œbad”! Monday I awoke with pain in my lower abdomen quiet similar to the pain of a bowel obstruction but fortunately it wasn’t constantly bad despite being there in the background. It’s definitely reduced the amount I walk each day but was quite tolerable on the bike (when it wasn’t raining which seems to be a constant theme each week!)
This morning I awoke with the pain gone however it’s returned at various times during the day, mainly after a meal.
Apart from that Im probably spending a bit more time in the dunny but it’s right at the end of treatment & I consider myself to have been fortunate!
That’s it for the week as I sit down to watch the footy with a few β€œfrothys”!
I’ll post again at the end of next week by such time I hope the side effects will be reducing!
Have a great weekend & be active!

Weekly walking stats…
Steps 76,245
Kilometres walked 58.71
Flights of stairs 221
Active time 13h59min

Treatment Update….2nd Last

Friday 12th Aug
Hi, I had a lovely drive in sunny weather for the last treatment day this week. Isn’t it amazing how much better one feels when the sun is shining after weeks of cloud & rain?

At the start of my treatment, knowing I had 33 trips, it was quite daunting I have to admit.
Add to that the possibility or probability of side effects, I had no idea what to think.
But having lived with chronic medical conditions for a large part of my life I do know that a significant part of the battle is fought & won above the shoulders Β so I was determined to face the unknown head on with a positive attitude & try not to let it affect my life too much nor let it get me down.
I’ve now completed 27 or the 33 treatments & have managed well so far. Because we live an hour away from Joondalup (usually 45 minutes but road works have been going on for almost a year, adding 15 minutes to each trip) it takes most of the mornings to drive down, have treatment then drive home. By the time I’ve had lunch, done my walk, short break then do a bike ride of 20+km, the day is pretty much done. Then of course there’s domestic duties like cooking dinner to do…..
My initial thoughts that 6 1/2 weeks of radiation treatment feeling like it was going to take forever were unfounded & actually the time HAS gone quickly.
Even after treatment finishes there’s still the chance of side effects popping up but there’s absolutely no point in worrying about that now because it may not happen.
At the moment Chris & I are just looking forward to the completion of this treatment & being able to hook up the caravan to head bush to enjoy the show of wildflowers this wonderful state of WA puts on each spring.
84313 steps
66.16km walked
192 flights of stairsΒ 

Treatment Update….again

Friday 5th Aug
Another week of treatment comes to a close & I’ve now had 23 of the planned 33 treatments.Β 
This week I had a check up with my Oncology Radiology Doctor who, like me, is pleased & possibly surprised that so far side effects have been mild.
Hopefully the trend continues!

Unfortunately the weather took its toll not just on a couple of roofs in Guilderton but also on my exercise routine. It was so wild, windy & WET that getting out for a walk was at best not therapeutic & going for a bike ride pretty much hideous so I elected to stay dry!
Hopefully next week will be better but at present weather forecast is Β for more cold fronts to arrive. Maybe the weekend will be without rain!
Steps 76,966
Distance 58.9km
Stair flights 175
Active time 11h56m

Treatment Update

Friday 29th Jul
Well it’s Friday again after another week of Radiation Treatment. I’m now just past the halfway point with 18 down & 15 to go.
That represents 18 return drives GUILDERTON to Joondalup & back. 140 kilometres x 18= 2520km & 18 hours in the car.
By now I was expecting more severe side effects from the treatment however so far they’re almost nonexistent. Just a few niggling tummy cramps & loose number 2’s but that’s it…..so far.
I understand that over the next few weeks this will probably change but at least I’ve had 3 1/2 weeks of almost symptom free radiation treatment!
I’ve managed to continue with my walking & cycling but there’s been a little more tiredness which I’m feeling on the ride up steeper hills. I also had a visit to a cardiologist to look into a heart issue which showed up when I was hospitalised with a kidney infection following removal of the catheter a few weeks after the prostatectomy. My resting heart rate was elevated at over 100BPM & I had atrial fibrillation for a couple of weeks. While in hospital they did a number of tests & found reduced blood ejection level of 45. Apparently 50 & above is normal but 40 & below is signs of a failing heart.
Now some 4 months since this my cardiologist has ordered an electrocardiogram for next Monday which hopefully will give us a clearer picture on what’s going on. Medication has reduced my resting heart rate to around 56BPM but my blood pressure varies significantly more than in the past. When cycling uphill & carrying our 14 year old Blue Heeler, Dusty up our stairs I am out of breath. Hopefully it’s an easy fix but I won’t know until my next appointment at the end of August.
That’s pretty much this week wrapped up & being Friday, you will know from last week that I can have a few ciders today & tomorrow…..but no alcohol on Sunday 24 hours before Monday’s electrocardiogram!Β 
Hopefully the weather improves as the rain has reduced the amount of kilometres this fair weather cyclist did this week!
My weekly walking Β summary is below;
Kilojoules used 25,136
Steps 89,587
Distance walking 70.06km
Fights of stairs 203
Keep moving!😊

Treatment Update

Friday 22nd Jul
Today is Friday & the end of another week of radiation treatment at Genesis Care Joondalup. The staff are really fantastic & supportive, the place runs like a well oiled machine.
How am I managing with radiation treatment? I must say that after 13 treatments I feel well & have managed my daily exercise routine well. The only ongoing symptom is my legs feel tired during my daily walk & cycle.
Friday & Saturday are great as I’m allowed to have fizzy drinks, so a few ciders will be on the menu😜
I believe the daily exercise & fundraising campaign while undergoing treatment Β is keeping me busy & with a positive attitude!

Future Goal

Friday 15th Jul
Undergoing treatment for prostate cancer is a long drawn out process & it’s important to find ways to keep one’s mind from wandering into dark territory.
Fortunately Chris (my wife of 43 years) & I like to walk so each day after breakfast we walk around 6km, sometimes more.
We both also ride e-mountain bikes (EMTB) & have recently sold our old bikes we had for 7 years & bought new bikes. The changes in technology during this time is amazing….. BUT so are the price tags! You only live once Β & can’t take it with you when you check out so enjoy it while you can…
Chris & I ride most days Β & generally I ride 20-30km each day.

During radiation I try to keep a positive mindset so have set the goal of riding my bike the length of the Gibb River Road, hopefully next May assuming I’m doing well.
I’ll post photos & blogs about the ride when phone signal allows.
I won’t set daily limits as I plan on dropping into campgrounds along the GRR & speaking about my prostate cancer journey during happy hour.
I’ll try to continue my daily exercise during the rest of my radiation treatment & hopefully increase my riding goals after recovering from radiation treatment.

My Prostate Cancer Journey

Friday 15th Jul
During a ten week stay at Ningaloo volunteering as campground host at North Lefroy Bay I started having to get up once or twice during the night. I planned to visit my GP on my return but unfortunately it had become habit & I totally forgot about it until the frequency started to increase. Living in Guilderton we like to combine a number of to do items in the one trip to Joondalup but often the timing wasn’t convenient so the trip to PathWest was left out.
I eventually needed another blood test so got both done in early December 2021 & had put it out of my mind till my GP rang to say we had a problem. It turned out my PSA was elevated at 25 so we managed to get an appointment with Western Urology (huge thanks to Dr Kara McDermott!) where she performed the β€œdreaded digit test” & said she could feel an abnormality. We managed to book an MRI appointment for the same afternoon which confirmed I had prostate cancer. Within a few days I went into Hollywood Hospital for a biopsy & a week after this I had a PET scan to determine the extent of the cancer. The timing wasn’t great receiving the news just prior to Christmas that I had high risk prostate cancer with a Gleason score of 9.
I was booked in for a prostatectomy & pelvic lymph Β nodes Β dissection Β at SCGH for early February 2022.
We had a wonderful Christmas with the family & I underwent the surgery on. February 3 2022.
Histology showed quite a bit of cancer of the prostate & in 5 of the 13 lymph nodes removed.
I recovered from the surgery quickly but had several returns to hospital following a kidney infection but antibiotics eventually cleared this up.
At 8 weeks post op another PSA test was completed but it showed a score of 4.0 when ideally we wanted zero which indicated that some microscopic cancer cells remained.
I then commenced hormone treatment to cut the production of testosterone which worked well dropping PSA to 0.2 after 6 weeks.
My oncologist decided it would be the ideal time to start me on a plan of 33 radiation Β treatments but the complication is that I have Crohns Disease in a section of my small bowel so it’s a gamble but modern targeted radiation technology has proved to work in most patients with Crohns Disease.
At the time of writing I am 8 sessions into the treatment plan of 33 & have had some cramping for a few hours yesterday & this morning but so far it’s settled down & being Friday night I get to enjoy the weekend off as treatments are Monday to Friday…yippee!😊
So what have I learned from my journey so far?
For all men over the age of 40, if you have prostate cancer previously in your family, please get your PSA test annually without fail. For all men 50 & over, ditto!
Β I have full picture blood tests 3 to 4 times per year for my Crohns & assumed PSA was included but didn’t bother reading all the data Β produced & the result was I went 5 years without my PSA being checked. It’s quite possible that had I been more vigilant the cancer may have been diagnosed earlier & confined to the prostate.
My oncologist said that my treatments probably won’t cure the cancer but will hopefully give me more quality time.
So I’m looking for at least another 20 years…..You’ve got to be positive about it!😜

Thank you to my Sponsors


Chris Le Juge De Segrais


Ferg Le Juge De Segrais

Cash for containers


Laura Cunningham

from one cyclist to another, well done. I rode the length of NZ last year on an e-bike in memory of my daughter who passed away from cancer, so I congratulate you on being so open and sharing your 'journey'. All the best for the future. And look for Butt Butter from NZ next time....



Congratulations on completing the ride, something to be proud of. Hope the future is clear sailing for you. Well done.


Bernie & Gill Treichel

Well done Ferg and for an excellent cause.




Beryl & Wallie Ah Chee




Anonymous Donation


Ellenbrae Station





Paula Garth

Keep up the great work Ferg!!


Shelley Mcmicking

Good luck with it all . Regards Shelley and Gilbert


Mervyn Iles

Avoid the rocks & potholes.


Russell Dawson

Good luck mate


Corey Dykstra

What a fantastic cause and initiative! Safe travels on this immediate challenge and your subsequent time away from home!


Bronwyn Ann Henry


Explorex Caravans


Jacob Ricciardi

The team at Ace Off-grid is wishing you good luck


Linda Johnson




Scott Dilley


Shawn Elworthy


Robert Jacobs

Good Luck Ferg !!


Garry & Lesley Thompson


Sally Baldwin

Go Ferg, Go!


Tony Breen

Hi Ferg, Congratulations on your success and surviving the prostate issue most men will experience. I'm to am very lucky prostate cancer survivor. I wish you good luck on your journey


Ian Horneman

our best wishes



Keep going legend, you’re in the home straight! You inspire me in so many ways and I use you as an example of what can achieved and how life can be enjoyed:-)


Grant FROOME (Fireslayer)

Let me know when you've finished the ride and I' ll do the same again. My best wishes and good luck mate.


Bronwyn Henry


Simon Brett

Good luck Ferg πŸ‘πŸ» We’re all cheering for you πŸ’ͺ🏻


Louise Troy

Sending you healing thoughts and energy to keep fighting Ferg.


Bernadette Martin

Right beside you Ferg!!! xxx


Nadelle Brooks


Louise Coffey


Stephen Beckwith


Trent Wilbraham


Patrick Fagan

Stay safe and thanks for your friendship


Tricia Ng

Good luck Ferg!!


Dyson Bikes

Good luck Ferg!


Adam Knight

Good luck with your treatment Ferg. Great to see you out and about keeping fit



Good Luck Ferg, I hope it is tail winds the whole way, hope you have plenty of spare. Cheers Wal


Harry Gardiner

All the best Ferg we wish you all the best. Harry & Jess Gardiner


Brett Buchel

A great cause and a mighty challenge!




Paul Hurst

All the best Ferg! What a great initiative. PS: I have never met you, but Chris is a legend at the Water Corp and, as her husband, that gives you legend status too!


Jonathan Spanoghe

Good luck Ferg we're backing you 100%


Garry Robinson


Rob Massam


Andrea Kilzer Macau

I wish you all the best Ferg. You will be fine ! :-)


Lift Pelvic Physiotherapy

Wishing you all the best on your journey.


Rick Harrison

Good luck and all the best


Frances Frances Foster

Good luck to you Ferg. Keep up the good work.




Kobi Nabein

What an awesome goal to aim for ferg. Best wishes mate.




Adrienne Leahy

Good on you Ferg. Wishing you a speedy recovery and all the best with your training. You got this!


Reece Le Juge De Segrais

Your being inspirational Dad!!


Cara Guelfi


Graeme Bell

Good luck mate.


Stephanie Brindal

Incredible work Ferg! Good luck in your training!!


Alyce And Luke

All our love xx


Dr DJ Batalin


Matthew Callanan


Elise A

All the best Ferg. Good luck for the ride!!


Des McEwan


Con Novatscou

I've done the Gibb River Road by car and that was tough. Good luck Ferg, it is a great cause and I'm sure you will raise your target and more.



You'll do it mate.


Craig Douglas

Hey big boy, what a journey ! Always say it, but we must catch up !! πŸ˜πŸ‘


Trish Wallace

What a great cause - you go Ferg - Best Wishes


Colm Stanley

Hi Ferg, Sending this message of love and support. Thanks you for raising awareness.


Steve Inott

Good luck matey and fair play to the bike challenge πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌ


Elaine & Garry

Best wishes and good job Ferg


Mad & Graeme

Happy to donate


Adele Simmons

You got this Ferg x


Gigi Thiele

Good on you Ferg! With you 10,000% !!!




Ferg Le Juge De Segrais