Run Amok With Minty

Cruise for the Cause 2024

I'm Cruising for the Cause!

Prostate cancer threatens the lives of 1 in 5 Aussie men.

I’m raising funds today to save men’s lives.

Every dollar you donate will be a game-changer for Aussie men and their families, boosting life-saving prostate cancer research, nursing, and support provided by PCFA.

You can make a massive difference by committing to give a tax-deductible donation today.

On behalf of the 25,487 men who will be diagnosed this year – thank you!

My Updates

Run Amok With Minty!

Sunday 19th May
Can we repeat our successful foray at 2023’s Cruise for a Cause?
Winner in both the ‘Smokiest Exhaust’ and ‘Most Oil Leaked’ categories, we’re at it again - jump on board and help us reach our fund raising goal for 2024.
Who knows, this year we might bust a trunnion and lose a wheel - the sky’s the limit!

Thank you to my Sponsors


Karren Ross


Triston Mullins

Go get em



The car’s got a lot of pick up.


Matt Holt



Good luck what a great cause!


Liam Samuels