SA Veterans Cricket Association supporting PCFA

SAVCA Plays for Blue


There is agreement that Veterans Cricket provides wonderful opportunities to those of a mature age. Not only do we get the opportunity to play the game we love and be challenged by it, but we are also able to keep active, and to share treasured mateships. Our cricket is good for our physical and emotional well-being. It supports a healthy lifestyle.

But do you realise that every 22 minutes an Aussie bloke is diagnosed with prostate cancer. That’s 70 men per day! All of us should be having yearly checkups with our GPs to maintain our health.

Last season began with a bang. Almost one hundred of us gathered on a Sunday in mid-September and enjoyed playing Twenty20 cricket on turf pitches. It also showed that members of SAVCA have a social conscience, as we raised around $7000 in support of the Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia. So, let’s do it again!

On Sunday 22nd September at the Callington Ovals a Twenty20 competition will be held, two matches in the morning and two in the afternoon. It will be open to all age divisions, men and women. Food, coffee and drinks will be available. Raffles and auctions will be held. Let’s beat last year’s efforts.

You can join in by:

Making a personal donation on the Donor Page.

Getting your family and friends to join in and do the same.

Get sponsorship for every run you score, wicket you take or catch you hold.

Challenge your mates e.g. “If I score more runs than you, you will have to add $20 to the cause.”

Within your team, bid for the right to keep wickets, or open the batting.

You will be joining a team that could save a life. You will be supporting SAVCA players who have or have had Prostate Cancer. Heartiest thanks for your care.

Thank you to our Sponsors


Graeme Fielke

Once again, a great initiative Dixie. Sorry I cant be there for the "season opener" but have fun & regards to all. Filks




Matt Gierke


Warwick Potts

Get Behind it!


Malcolm Farmer


Chris Whibley

Have a great day


Simon Gierke


Andrew Marsh


Ken Hall

go Rocket


Sue Byrnes




Kevin Mcfadden

Great cause


Rob Inglis (pup)

I was going to donate $1 to every bye that you let through on the day but it could cost me a small fortune.Joking Rocket , you're a good man and happy to support you with this cause,play well ! Pup


Rae Gierke




Rob Hannan


Stephen Parsons


Graham Grant Tomasini


Lee Matthews


Malcolm Langmaid


Darren Cheek


Kim Woods

Great cause.



Let's do it! Lets support those with prostate cancer, especially our SAVCA mates. Together we can be game changers, so give it your best shot.