Get Your Community Active In the Fight

06 Sep 2024

Raising awareness and funds for prostate cancer can have a lasting impact, but it takes community involvement to drive change. Here are some tips and tricks to get your networks, friends, and family active in the fight to support PCFA.

1. Organize Local Events

Encourage people to get involved in existing events or create your own! Look to inspiring examples like the Run For Dad Bendigo, where families come together every year to raise funds and awareness for prostate cancer while enjoying a fun run. It’s a great way to bring people together, get active, and make a difference.

2. Leverage Social Media

Use social platforms to spread the word. Share personal stories, event updates, and encourage donations with a personal touch. Inviting others to join and donate online can create a ripple effect that reaches beyond your immediate circle.

3. Engage Local Businesses

Partner with local shops and businesses to sponsor or promote fundraising activities. They can help amplify your cause and bring new people into the effort.

4. Host Fundraising Challenges

Get creative! Whether it’s a baking challenge, trivia night, or a fitness challenge, small events can generate big results.

This September, take it a step further by rallying your community to join The Long Run, a nationwide challenge where participants run, walk, or wheel 72 km throughout the month to support prostate cancer awareness. The event is a fantastic way to bring people together. You can even turn it into a team effort—organise group runs or set up friendly challenges to keep everyone motivated.

So what are you waiting for? Activate your network for an important cause!