Simple Steps to Source Donations for Fundraising Events

16 Feb 2024

Whether you're hosting a raffle, auction, or prize giveaway, here are some simple steps to help you secure donations for your event and boost your fundraising!

1. Identify Potential Donors:

Begin by compiling a list of potential donors who may be interested in supporting the cause. This can include local businesses, corporate sponsors, community organisations, and individuals with a connection to prostate cancer awareness, research and support. Ask PCFA to provide you with a letter of support you can attach with your request for donation. This lets the potential donor know you’re a registered fundraiser and how the funds raised will support the community.

2. Craft a Compelling Pitch:

When reaching out to potential donors, craft a compelling pitch that highlights the importance of supporting your fundraiser and PCFA. Clearly articulate the impact of their contribution and emphasise how their donation will make a difference in the lives of those affected by prostate cancer.

3. Personalise Your Ask:

Reach out to potential donors through personalised letters, emails, phone calls, or in-person meetings. Tailor your communication to each donor, expressing genuine interest in their involvement and demonstrating how their support aligns with their values and interests. 

4. Offer Recognition and Exposure:

Provide donors with recognition and exposure for their contributions, whether through event signage, promotional materials, or acknowledgment during the fundraiser. Highlighting donors' generosity not only shows appreciation but also enhances their visibility within the community.

5. Be Transparent and Accountable:

Maintain transparency throughout the donation process by clearly outlining how donated items will be used and how funds raised will support the PCFA's initiatives. Keep donors informed about the progress of the fundraiser and provide updates on the impact of their contributions. 

6. Follow Up with Gratitude:

After securing donations, follow up with donors to express gratitude for their support. Send personalised thank-you notes or emails and consider providing donors with updates on the success of the fundraising event.

7. Build Relationships for Future Support:

Continue to nurture relationships with donors beyond the fundraising event. Keep them engaged with the PCFA's mission through regular communication, updates on research advancements, and opportunities for further involvement.

If you’d like more information, or would like some more tips for your fundraiser, get in touch with us at, we’re here to help!