Take on a mid-year workplace challenge

12 Jun 2024

Looking for a way to boost moral in the workplace? Or just want to find a new and exciting activity to get your team involved in? Why not challenge your colleagues to take on Dry July?

Dry July is a great initiative encouraging participants to go dry for the month of July. Not only is it a great way to challenge yourself and your colleagues but you also experience multiple benefits from reducing your alcohol intake and pressing pause on the booze button.

These include;

  • Improved sleep
  • Return of focus and energy
  • Higher levels of productivity
  • Weight loss
  • You save money 

Dry July can be taken on individually but it’s much more fun when taking on the challenge with a team. Approach your workplace about getting involved and ask if they would support and promote an organisational team. Many businesses have a sustainability program and are able to support charitable initiatives throughout the year and your fundraiser could be one of them.

When you register for Dry July you can also choose to raise funds for one of their major beneficiaries and PCFA is one of them. This means all of the funds you and your team raise will go towards funding our prostate cancer nursing service, providing much needed support to Australian men and their families.

To register for Dry July and support PCFA visit Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia (dryjuly.com)

Cheers to these legends taking part in Dry July

Survivor Michael goes Dry this July in the name of early detection

Cheers to four years: business leader goes Dry each July to raise vital funds

One month dry to help the 20 NSW men diagnosed with prostate cancer daily

A toast to men’s health: prostate cancer survivor goes dry this July to warn Aussie blokes